About SamiK

I'm a Library Director for a small(ish) Texas town with a desire to share my love of books and the library with my community.

Currently, I am working towards my MLS (Master of Library Science) from Texas Woman's University (my alma mater!).

When I'm not treading through a pile a school work and work work, I make precious memories with both my handsome men at home. Whether we are playing with the sand between our toes, making a campfire, or just taking in a movie at home, every moment is unique.

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December 28, 2011

It's about dang time!

I've been slacking lately on EVERYTHING - reading, blogging, and *ZZZZZ*...*ahem* (sorry) sleeping!  So let's jump right in to the updates:
Life has been super busy with Christmas, wedding planning (follow that here), finals (I passed - and if you didn't notice I even changed my about me :P)
Well I finally got around to posting my review for Flamingnet. Here it is for all to read.
Trevor enlists Jules in his plan to make a profit from the suicides of frequent visitors of a depression chat room. Jules makes a “pact” with each victim to commit the act together. Jules fakes it, and Trevor swoops in to make off with the valuables. Everything goes as planned until she begins to fall in love with Gabe, their seventh potential victim. Now, Jules faces the most important decision she has yet.
Vander Ark’s novel is filled with dark romance and twists and turns that keep the reader turning the pages. Unlike most young adult novels with mature content that can be overlooked to enjoy the book, the content of Lighthouse Nights cannot. It is as much a part of the book as the setting and characters. I would definitely recommend this book to others who enjoy realistic novels, but it may be triggering to some.
I give the book a 4/5. That may seem high but it really was a good book. I took points off because of the ending. No spoiler here, but I did not like it! Not in a "what was Vander Ark thinking! gah he's an idiot!" way, but a "ohmygosh! NOOOOOO!!!!! Gabe?!?! Why?!?!" moment. If you don't mind the language or graphic descriptions, you'll make it through, but if not, DO NOT PICK IT UP!
I'm looking forward to trying some of his other novels to see how they compare. But heck! For a screenwright turned author, Vander Ark is awesome! (now that I remember Lighthouse Nights was originally a screenplay, it makes sense why the book read like a movie. heh! memory you function but not in a timely manner :/
I still have not started any of the books at home, but I did add another to the To Be Read stack - The Future of Us by Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler! EEEEK!!!!  Keep checking back for reviews on all the books!


Jake Vander Ark said...

Your blog made my day.

bcplteens said...

And you just totally made mine! :) so I realized you don't have any other books out, but I'm anxiously awaiting The Day I Wore Purple!

alli.perkins said...

It's difficult to spread the word about such a dark book, so your articulate, honest endorsement means a lot.

"Purple" was my first attempt at prose, and nobody is reading it until I finish a substantial rewrite : ) I have two other books that are searching for an agent or publisher... when the time comes, I'll be sure to send you a copy.

When you get a minute, check out "Lighthouse Nights" on Facebook. Tryin' to send a little traffic your way!


Jake Vander Ark said...

Ha! I was using my girlfriend's computer... my bad : )

bcplteens said...

Thanks! I appreciate your help.

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Rating System

IT WAS AMAZING!!!! You should be at the book store right now buying it! :)
I really liked it. You should def check it out and give it a shot
It was ok. At least read the synopsis on the back.
Eh....It was alright. It's borrow from a friend material.
Leave it on the shelf!!


Grab My Button

Moonlight Mayem

The Princess of Storyland

Jake Project

2012 Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge

2012 Reading Challenge
Samantha has read 6 books toward her goal of 24 books.